
palette_generator is here to turn your images into beautiful palettes.


There are three pieces to palette_generator:
  • extract_colors finds the N (default 512) best colors which represent the image, and writes them to a color histogram file.

  • make_theme takes a color histogram file and tweaks it slightly into a 12-color palette. This is intended for theming an operating system to match a wallpaper (so the color names are things like “cyan” and “magenta”), but in general does a bit better job at creating a diverse palette than extract_colors with N=12, so you can easily use it to tweak extract_colors for your own purposes.

  • Finally, gen_palette takes a color theme and puts swatches on a background image. This can be used for a generated theme from make_theme, or it can be a hand-curated list of hexadecimal codes.

All together, you put an image in, and get a palette automatically curated and displayed nicely for you.

_images/bird.jpg _images/palette.png


pip install palette_generator


usage: python -m palette_generator [-h]

Positional Arguments


Possible choices: extract_colors, make_theme, gen_palette, all



Extract a pre-computed palette from an image.

python -m palette_generator extract_colors [-h] [-nc N_COLORS]
                                           [-hf HIST_FILE]
Positional Arguments

The image file from which the palette is extracted.

-nc, --n-colors

The number of colors to extract from the raw image.

Default: 512

-hf, --hist-file

The color histogram output.

Default: “color_hist.txt”


Read a palette of colors, and turn it into a cohesive 12-color scheme. Prints suggested theme to screen and saves HEX codes to file.

python -m palette_generator make_theme [-h] [-hf HIST_FILE]
                                       [-cf COLOR_FILE] [-p P_MIX]
-hf, --hist-file

each line is ‘{N}: {C}’ where {N} in the number of counts of color {C}, which is provided as a HEX code.

Default: “color_hist.txt”

-cf, --color-file

Save curated color theme here. If extension is ‘.json’, save as a one-line json with color names. OR each line is a unique theme color, provided as a HEX code.

Default: “colors.json”

-p, --p_mix

Percent to mix pure color in with image colors to get ‘red’, ‘yellow’, ‘green’, ‘cyan’, ‘blue’, ‘magenta’, ‘white’, and ‘black’. Recommend higher values for homogeneous images and lower values for heterogeneous images. Best results between 0.0 and 0.5. Use 0.0 for colors true only to image.

Default: 0.25


Given an image and a list of colors, generate a graphical representation of their palette.

python -m palette_generator gen_palette [-h] [-cf COLOR_FILE]
                                        [-pf PALETTE_FILE]
                                        [-ff FONT_FAMILY]
                                        [-fs FONT_SIZE]
Positional Arguments

The image to create the palette on.

-cf, --color-file

The color file.

Default: “colors.json”

-pf, --palette-file

The palette file.

Default: “palette.png”

-ff, --font-family

Font family for text.

Default: “Sarabun”

-fs, --font-size

Font size for text.

Default: 28


Run all three sub-programs [extract, theme, palette]

python -m palette_generator all [-h] [-pf PALETTE_FILE]
                                [-ff FONT_FAMILY] [-fs FONT_SIZE]
                                [-cf COLOR_FILE] [-p P_MIX]
                                [-nc N_COLORS] [-hf HIST_FILE]
Positional Arguments

The image to create the palette on.

-pf, --palette-file

The palette file.

Default: “palette.png”

-ff, --font-family

Font family for text.

Default: “Sarabun”

-fs, --font-size

Font size for text.

Default: 28

-cf, --color-file

Save curated color theme here. If extension is ‘.json’, save as a one-line json with color names. OR each line is a unique theme color, provided as a HEX code.

Default: “colors.json”

-p, --p_mix

Percent to mix pure color in with image colors to get ‘red’, ‘yellow’, ‘green’, ‘cyan’, ‘blue’, ‘magenta’, ‘white’, and ‘black’. Recommend higher values for homogeneous images and lower values for heterogeneous images. Best results between 0.0 and 0.5. Use 0.0 for colors true only to image.

Default: 0.25

-nc, --n-colors

The number of colors to extract from the raw image.

Default: 512

-hf, --hist-file

The color histogram output.

Default: “color_hist.txt”

Developer Documentation


Tools for converting between color spaces.


Extract a finite number of representative colors from an image.


Create a 12-color theme from a pre-computed palette.


Generate a palette image from a base image and set of colors.

Indices and tables